Davide Romito

Branding, art direction, type and graphic design.

    Thanks to an integrated approach to brand communication and close collaboration with a network of multidisciplinary and specialized co-workers, Davide offers a comprehensive service ranging from strategic branding consultancy to graphic design.
    Drawing on extensive work experience with various industries and organizations, he partners closely with clients to understand their needs and maximize market impact. He develops tailored strategies and solutions that effectively address challenges and capitalize on all opportunities to connect the brand with the target market. This approach ensures that all communication elements are cohesive and focused on building strong, consistent, and recognizable brand identities. It not only strengthens audience engagement and enhances brand awareness but also ensures that each communication activity aligns seamlessly with the brand’s values and is optimized for its specific context.

After majoring in industrial design at the University of Palermo he pursued a career as a professional graphic designer with a particular interest in visual and brand identity. In 2014 he sets up romdesing, a roaming graphic studio, that deals with visual communication for SMEs in western Sicily. In 2017 he moves to Treviso where he joins the HEADS collective. With them in the same year, he works on the visual identity of the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships Cortina 2021, designing the shield logo, an essential element of an integrated identity experiment developed in a collaboration with Italo Lupi. In 2018, he designed the visual identity and launch campaign for PRIMEK Material District, the first materials library in Sicily (Palermo) dedicated to interior design. Since 2019, he has been studying lettering and type design, expanding his skills in graphic design. In 2022, he released his first typeface, and after returning to Sicily, he started working as external collaborator on brand identity projects, partnering with both communication agencies and company marketing teams. In 2023, he developed the visual identity for Binottogroup and the brand style guide for Photosì. Always open to new projects and collaborations.

CV & PORTFOLIO on request → rd.romito.davide@gmail.com

Behance - Instagram - Linkedin - MyFonts

Worked for:

ADR aeroporti di Roma, AVIS Nazionale, Ap8invest, BinottoGroup, Cantine Pellegrino, CFS Italia, Cortina2021, Dotout, Depieri AUDI service, DPV montaggi, Fastuchera azienda agricola, Gotham25, GR1PS, HEADS collective, Jaked, MYOP, Laborlegno, Metalco, Méthode, Mobisec, MOM Mobilità di Marca, M'OVER, Nalini, NINA passata di pomodoro, PhotoSì, Primek, SCARPA, TàCOLAO, Tecnica Group, Telethon Udine, Xlance.


CONSULTING Giovanni Atalmi, Michele Bonotto,
GRAPHIC Sara Panepinto,
MOTION GRAPHIC Sara Panepinto, Paolo Luca,
WEB DEV/DES Simone Genovese,

Released Typefaces:

2022 Trisquare
2022 Hermit
2024 Modo Sans

↑ Modo Sans Typeface.

↑ Trisquare Regular Typeface.
See more on Behance

↑ Binottogroup Visual Identity.
In collaboration with Sara Panepinto

↑ 36daysoftype 2021.
Motion Graphic Sara Panepinto

↑ Photosì Brand Style Guide.
In collaboration with Sara Panepinto

↑ M'OVER SPORT — Mountain Experience by Kristian Ghedina — Visual Identity.

↑ CORTINA 2021 Typeface and Magazine.

↑ Hermit Typeface — modern gothic variable font.
See more on Behance

↑ GR1PS Catalogue.

↑ XLANCE ® Infographic and Visual Identity.

↑ StudioArt Logo Design.

↑ ADR — Aeroporti di Roma — Icon System.

↑ Gotham25 — Lounge Bar — Typeface and Visual Identity.
In collaboration with Sara Panepinto, see more on Behance

↑ MOM — Mobilità di Marca — Visual Identity.

↑ INTRECCI Typeface Alphabet — Cultural project by the INTRA association.

↑ Quercia Italia Wine Labels.

↑ AUGURI originates from the Italian word "augurio", which conveys a profound desire for something positive, joyful, or meaningful to manifest in the life of the recipient. It is more than just a casual wish—it’s a heartfelt expression of hope and affection, often shared during special moments like birthdays, holidays, or anniversaries. Saying “auguri” reflects genuine empathy and support, envisioning a future filled with happiness, beauty, and peace for the other person. At its core, this simple word becomes a small yet powerful gift of positivity and goodwill.